Honor the Past

FCC Congregation


Description:The First Church of Christ, Bradford honors those who have served our congregation of the past generation.This video edition is of our entire worship service, with special guests, Leon Derioan, Mark and Connor Hayden.

O' How Desperate We Are...

Danny Ovalle


Description:“O’ How Desperate We Are For A Shepherd Like Jesus!”Psalm 23 & John 10:1-11Me + Black Friday Deals = an insatiable WANT. A bottom-less want…We are in a society whose culture is want. Need. Gimme. More, more, more…We want: an iPad, iPod, iPhone, iMac, Android, Big screen TV, clothes, shoes, car, job, partner, house, just the perfect life…AND IF I HAVE THESE…THEN I SHALL NOT WANT!We are “WANTING MACHINES”This morning, I hope to help us to “WANT” in the right direction…a healthy direction, A BLESSED – AND NOT A CURSED DIRECTION …A TRUE 1 DIRECTION - a Christ-honoring direction!As we approach the finish-line of our year-long survey of the Storyline of the Bible, I want us to see today what is one of many connections in the Bible from David to Jesus…from King David … to King Jesus!

Broken Can Be Beautiful When Grace Sings The Melody

Danny Ovalle


Description:Pastor Danny explores 2 Samuel 9, and the incredible picture of God's sheer grace and kindness, of no work of our own (like Mephibosheth), that secures eternal blessings in Christ!"The heart of man finds it difficult to believe that so great a treasure as the Holy Spirit is gotten by the mere hearing of faith. The hearer likes to reason like this: Forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death, the gift of the Holy Spirit, everlasting life are grand things. If you want to obtain these priceless benefits, you must engage in correspondingly great efforts. And the devil says, ‘Amen.’We must learn that forgiveness of sins, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are freely granted to us at the preaching of faith, in spite of our sinfulness. We are not to waste time thinking how unworthy we are of the blessings of God. We are to know that it pleased God to freely give us His unspeakable gifts. If He offers His gifts free of charge, why not take them? Why worry about our lack of worthiness? Why not accept gifts with joy and thanksgiving?" - Martin Luther - Commentary on Galatians

Boasting In God, Not Self

Danny Ovalle


Description:In the development of the storyline of God people, they are on their way from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land. Along the way, they have been “married” to their Rescuer-God Yahweh. Quickly and often they trun from the Lord and worship other gods. What is THE reason they will be so blessed to still entering the Promised Land?That was then…what about today? What about you?What is THE cause of your spiritual blessings in Christ? What is the reason for your going deeper in your enjoyment of God, assuming you “enjoy Him”?This morning, we shall reflect on the REASON we are a blessed and happy people in our God! And because of His grace, we shall boast in Christ, and not in our righteousness or intergrity...but in God's fithful promise of Grace!

The Soul-Satisfying Power of Fearing God

Scott Anderson


Description:Scott Anderson, Executive Director of Desiring God Ministries was with us on 10/21/12 to instruct and encourage us in a message entitled: "The Soul-Satisfying Power of Fearing God.

The Final Grade of God's People

Danny Ovalle


Description:10/14/12 Pastor Danny speaks on "The Final Grade of God's People" as we look at how God's people actually do in keeping Gods commandments. Exodus 32 and Isaiah 6 set the tempo, and are contrasted with Jesus in Matthew 4.We looked at The People, The Prophet and The Promised Son. We so desperately need our Jesus!

The Law & The Gospel

Danny Ovalle


Description:10/7/12 Pastor Danny Ovalle teaches on the difference between the Law And the Gospel.One word from God that be categorized under each of these two categories.In the Law, God only & always demands, never gives help to fulfill it's righteous demands.In the Gospel, God only & always gives grace, never demands...period!Confuse each of these...and you lose Jesus Christ, His gospel and Christianity!

The 10 Commandments

Danny Ovalle


Description:Today we were refreshed by a renewed look at the 10 Commandments. Knowing this is a lost word from God for our day, we began a mini-series examining the role of the Law, its purpose for being given and the extent of God's Holy Commands. How do we do keeping them? Does the Law drive us to our need for Jesus? Come join us as we explore these very important questions....

Here Comes The Bride...

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Exodus 20, the Nation of Israel prepares to meet God, as God has rescued them from Egypt and has called them to Himself. As they enter the covenant together, we shall see if Israel keeps her word, saying "All that you have comamded us we will do". We shall see...will they keep God's commands? Will they fall as their forfather Adam did? Will they need the rescue of God once again, to deliver them from their inner bondage as they did their outer bondage in Egypt? We shall see as the story unfolds...they will come to need the espousal love of Christ:A Giving of Themselves, Each to the Other“In this spiritual espousal or marriage relation between Christ and his people, there is a giving of themselves each to the other. Christ, on the one hand, gives himself unto the soul. ‘I will be yours,’ says he to the soul, ‘yours to love you, to save you, to make you happy in me and with me. I, with all my riches and treasures, will be fully and forever yours.’ . . . And Oh, how sweet is this language! What can Christ give to poor souls like himself? In giving himself, he gives the best gift that either heaven or earth affords! In giving himself, he gives life, he gives peace, he gives grace, he gives righteousness, he gives the favor of God, he gives heaven, he gives all. Oh, sweet gift! On the other hand, the soul, by way of return, gives itself to Christ. ‘I will be thine,’ says the soul to Christ. ‘I will be for thee and not for another. . . . Sweet Jesus, such as I am and have I give to thee. I am a poor, a sorry gift,’ says the soul, ‘infinitely unworthy of thine acceptance. My best is too bad, my all is too little for thee; but seeing it is thy pleasure to call for and accept of such a gift at my hands, I do, with my whole soul, give myself, my strength, my time, my talents, my all, forever to thee.’”Edward Pearse, The Best Match, or, The Soul’s Espousals to Christ (Morgan, 1994 reprint), pages 5-6.

Outdoor Worship & BBQ

A Video Collage


Description:On 9/16/12 we held an outdoor worship service on the Common, Just across the street from our sanctuary. We followed that up with a BBQ lunch. This video captures the day...The sermon didn't record, but if you read Exodus 15 & 16 you will discover the "pop quiz" tests that the Lord gave His people so they can see that although they were externally free from the bondage in Egypt, they are still internally inprisoned to a sin-sick heart, that only the coming of Jesus can fix!

The Power of God and Freedom

Danny Ovalle


Description:DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD! You’ve all seen the movie!Ever found yourself in a dilemma, a situation, a pickle…that you just couldn’t get yourself out of?Ever had that time rip your hearts in two? Try as you may to get out, fix or end the ordeal…no go. (my loneliness in CA) We all have been there, are there, or are soon going there…so listen up…This morning, I am here to remind you, to tell you that there is good news of help & deliverance from powers that bind us and bring us into the pit of despair. We are at times, hopelessly hopeless! BUT..in steps the Lord!This morning’s reflection, entitled: “The Power and Freedom of God”The Plagues, The Passover and The ExodusBIG IDEAWe are so enslaved by ‘other masters’ unable to fee ourselves – impossible to free ourselves – that it takes the Blood of the Lamb (Passover) and the Power of God (exodus) to bring us into true, deep & everlasting freedom.

The Unfolding Storyline of...God

Danny Ovalle


Description:As the Storyline of the Bible unfolds, so too unfolds the self-revelation of the God of the Bible Storyline.In Exodus 3 and 34, God reveals more and more of His character and nature, to Moses and to the children of Israel.Do we know Him as He has revealed Himself in Holy Scripture? Do we delight in Him, whom we know? Are we hungry for His truth and grace? Come, listen in...

Forgiveness: Recieved & Bestowed

Danny Ovalle


Description:Have you ever offended someone? Sinned against them?Have you ever been the recipient of another’s offense, sin against you?Which are you more conscious of, offending someone, or being offended?These are deep issues, aren’t they? Do you think some people are starving for forgiveness? Do you think many people are aware they need God’s forgiveness?The ending of Genesis begins to provide us with a glimpse of the Niagara waterfall portrayal of the Christian concept of Forgiveness. Forgiveness received from God, and then forgiveness bestowed by the one forgiven. The Bible says MUCH about forgiveness, both Divine and human, for I would propose this reality is the very pulse, heartbeat, lifeblood of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!Let’s wake up this morning, to the potency & power, the reality of forgiveness!

Spreading the Aroma of Christ

Paul Miller


Description:Paul Miller shares with us part 2 of his message on Blessed to be a Blessing. His focus is on some details of how we can spread the aroma of Christ through our words (proclaiming the good news of Jesus' death & resurrection), character (showing for the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control) and actions (all kinds of good works of giving our lives away for the joy of others).NOTE: This is only a partial video, due to technical difficulties. Our Apologies.

Beyond the Four Walls of FCC

Dave Pulzetti & Kay Spofford


Description:As John Piper writes:“Missions exists because worship doesn’t”:“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the Church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever.Worship, therefore, is the fuel and goal of missions. It’s the goal of missions because in missions we simply aim to bring the nations into the white hot enjoyment of God’s glory. The goal of missions is the gladness of the peoples in the greatness of God. “The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad!” (Ps 97:1). “Let the peoples praise thee, O God; let all the peoples praise thee! Let the nations be glad and sing for joy!” (Ps 67:3-4).But worship is also the fuel of missions. Passion for God in worship precedes the offer of God in preaching. You can’t commend what you don’t cherish. Missionaries will never call out, “Let the nations be glad!” who cannot say from the heart, “I rejoice in the Lord…I will be glad and exult in thee, I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High” (Ps 104:34, 9:2). Missions begins and ends in worship.”–John Piper, Let the Nations Be Glad! The Supremacy of God in Missions (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993/2003), 17.08/12/12 Dave Pulzetti and his wife Kay Spofford shared with our congregation what they are involved with as missionaries in Central America.David and Kay began their overseas work together in 2004 with Beyond Partnership Ministries in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. David was appointed as a missionary in 2006 and lived in Nicaragua during 2007. Working under Pastor Rigoberto Reyes, he has aided many projects including building and starting a welding school. Kay supported the ministry from Massachusetts, and joined David throughout the year.Working from the States now, their ministry in Nicaragua includes supporting the welding school along with a new project to provide clean water and sanitation. They are also involved with another group which is building a shelter for victims of domestic violence.For more information, please contact them at:Dave Pulzetti / Kay SpoffordCommunity Development CoordinatorBeyond Partnership35 West Meadow RoadHaverhill, MA 01832978 521 2789 h603 303 7945 cbeyondpartnership.org

Nicodemus In A Quandary (Part 1)

Pastor Moe Bergeron


Description:Pastor Moe Introduces todays message this way:The last time we had the privilege and joy of serving you I brought you a message based upon Jesus’ conversation with the Jewish priest and member of the ruling class, Nicodemus. The subject of the message was the absolute necessity of the new birth. God is emphatic. The Spirit of God must give you spiritual life if you are to know God.For this message I would like us to return to that theme and try to get into Nicodemus’ head immediately after he left Jesus’ company and made his way home. I’m going to do what almost every good preacher does not dare to do. I’m going to have us speculate by imagining what Nicodemus could have been thinking as he made his way back home. Are you ready?

Nicodemus In A Quandry (Part2)

Pastor Moe Bergeron


Description:Here is the conclusion of his message from 8/5/12

Jesus Is Our Treasure

Barron Tenney


Description:On 07/29/12 Barron Tenney shared with the FCC congregation that Jesus Christ is our supreme Treasure, worth losing all for! The gain is the eternal joy of being known by Him and knowing His Majestic Beauty!His message was based on this text:“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

Sharing The Gospel & Life

Danny Ovalle


Description:Pastor Danny Ovalle shares his reflections on 1 Thessalonians 2:8, as a special message on FCC Ministry Focus."We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us."The First Church of Christ, Bradford, MAwww.fccbradford.org

Blessed To Be A Blessing

Paul Miller


Description:What, then, is the blessing of God?It is with this in mind that we enter Genesis 12:2-3. The text reads:"Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."This wonderful text is a turning point in the book of Genesis. In Chapter 11, we have just finished reading the story of the Tower of Babel where man, in his sinfulness seeking to make a name for himself, is cursed by God and is scattered throughout the earth, all with their own languages. Then, seemingly, out of nowhere, God calls upon Abram to leave his country, his people, and family to go to an unknown land. And then what a mighty promise that God makes to Abram! This promise comes in light of a curse just one chapter before and God says to Abram:I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great so that you will be a blessing. In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

God’s Perfect Fathering in Discipline

Danny Ovalle


Description:God is at work in a major way to be the Father to these 12 brothers that their earthly father Israel could never be. Watch God's methods...watch His ways!“At first sight, the rough handling of Joseph of his brothers has the look of vengefulness, but nothing could be further from the truth. Behind the harsh pose was deep, almost uncontrollable affection, seen in Joseph’s continual running out of the house, running out of the room to weep. And after the ordeal is over, there is nothing but overwhelming kindness and tenderness. Joseph’s enigmatic treatment of them was a kinder and more searching test. Just how well judged was his policy can be seen in the growth of new attitudes in the brothers as the alternating sun and frost broke them open to God.”Derek Kidner, Commentary on Genesis

The Shadow & Reality of Massive Change

Danny Ovalle


Description:One ordinary night’s sleep, and a dream, brings an unexpected, dramatic, good change. We see God at work, in His timing, according to His purpose, to effect so great a change in Joseph’s life, Pharoah’s life, the nation of Egypt, even the whole known world at the time! Joseph, lifted from the prison...to new life, is the shadow of the reality that is found in Jesus. Through His supreme death & resurrection, He now brings the same liberating freedom to those who believe on Him, who were in the prison of sin, death, rebellion & brokenness!

And the Lord Was Still With Joseph

Danny Ovalle


Description:Even through the ups and downs of life, Joseph discovers that while in prison, the God of all providence is still with him. And the stage is being set for God's incredible plan of preserving the family line (and thus The Offpring) to be preserved! What a God, What a plan!

And The Lord Was With Jospeh

Danny Ovalle


Description:Joseph was all alone, (or was he?) as he was taken captive down to Egypt. There he faces 3 massive temptations:1. Tempted to use his power for self-serving gain2. Tempted to partake of sexual sin3. Tempted to despair, when treated bad after doing right.BUT THE LORD WAS WITH JOSEPH!The Lord was with him to produce:1.Humility in servanthood2. Holiness in not "sinning against the Lord"3. A Hanging in There when things go badChristian, You are not alone. Never. Ever. Jesus promised He would never leave us, or forsake us. As a matter of fact, you can’t get any closer than this: I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:16-18)In the New Covenant, God promises that He will, by His Spirit, dwell IN His people! And He will do wonderful and godly things in and through us, for His glory, our good and the furthering of the gospel!

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Genesis 38, we look at the life of one of the sons of Israel, Judah, and the utter brokeness of his life & character. It is amazing to discover that Jesus Christ, The Son of God, actually comes from the line of Judah & Tamar! This is living proof that God condescends in grace to save sinners! Jesus comes from the line of this broken man. Just incredible...and full of hope for you & me!

“The Faithful Plan of God to Save and Forgive”

Danny Ovalle


Description:We continue to follow the Bible theme of: CREATION - FALL - REDEMPTIONas we enter the final section of Genesis (37-50). Jacob’s name was just changed to Israel. Here is the creation of a Nation. Genesis 37 portrays the fall, sin, brokenness of these people. We follow the story line for the redemption that will utimately come through the Promised Offspring, even our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Are You A Jacob or Israel?"

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Genesis 32:22-30, God wrestles Jacob into Israel. From a "deciever" to "a prince with God"!The Lord has His sights set on Jacob...and THE OFFSPRING that will come from his family line...so God, who sets His ways and purposes on someone, will get what He wants.Here we see that our surface wrestling with people is just the symptoms of a deeper wrestling that takes place with God. O how compassionate and gracious is our God, who does not wipe us out, as our sins deserve, but graciously "spares our life"!

“A Superior Treasure is Our God & Savior!”

Danny Ovalle


Description:Jacob is the heir to his Father's Inheritance - a Bill Gates of his day...Big bucks!But out in the field, as Jacob enters into new and strange experiences in his life, God shows up...and reminds him of the richness of the Treasure that God is, and that the Lord is with him throgh the good, bad and always! This, Jacob came to realize...and cherish supremely!

“God’s Glory On Display In Mere Jars of Human Clay”

Danny Ovalle


Description:1 Corinthians 1:26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not —to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”

One Great Multi-Tasker!

Danny Ovalle


Description:One Great Multi-Tasker!God Works ALL Things Together for Good...Romans 8:28The reason I am speaking on this one verse of scripture today is because of where we are at & going in Genesis, as we look at the unfolding storyline of the Bible. We have been looking at the “first family”, the grand Patriarch's of the people of God, the forefathers of the nation of Israel, the family of Abraham, Isaac, and next week, the lives of his 2 sons, Jacob & Esau. From Jacob will come his 12 sons, one of which the Genesis story follows closely. And O, what a story: Jerry Springer - Gone Wild! In reading the second half of Genesis, one see clearly the human plight: brokenness that results from rebellion against God. Have yourself a close read and you soon see two major elements at work:our human brokenness and God’s Divine Rescue, the story line of the Bible


Pastor Dave Herring


Description:Pastor Dave Herring, of Haverhill Community Church, spoke on the various aspects of the GLORY of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!This was the second year that FCC hosted a combined Easter Service with our dear friends @ HCC.

A Strange Red Carpet

Danny Ovalle


Description:Something captivating about the “red carpet”. Very prestigious, lots of buzz, and no shortage of awe as you catch a glimpse of some celebrity come to town. Celeb’s come...and celeb’s go, don’t they? Remember who was the hottest ticket back in the day? Remember the attention they commanded? The Beatles? Elvis? Marilyn Monroe? JFK? Yaz? Larry Bird? Lady Gaga???(who?)Well, this Sunday, join us as we look at the strange welcome of the “Greatest Person who ever lived”...and still lives, our Jesus Christ!!

The Bride Belongs to the Bridegroom: The Need for Community in Marriage

Danny Ovalle


Description:We come to another picture of marriage here in Genesis 24. A beautiful love story – o feel the power of this account! This is the longest individual scene in the Book of Genesis and there is much for us to know here in the life of Abraham, as it relates to his dearly loved son, Isaac, and the quest for the one who will carry “THE OFFSPRING” that will come through Isaac…The Bible has a lot to say about marriage, both for us on a human level, and more so, about our relationship to God, rather - about His relationship to us!Marriage is being battered big time in our day. Failing, miserable marriages, confusion about the very definition of marriage itself, young people launching into this relationship virtually blind, leaving many innocent children in the wake of a marriage gone wrong! Very little meaningful help is there for the most important relationship commitment one can make. We need God’s Holy and powerful word on this, and many other subjects!

“Faith Works: The Power of God’s Promise Does The Incredible”

Danny Ovalle


Description:Sound Familiar? God to Abraham: “Sacrifice Your Son, Your only Son, Whom You Love”. Genesis 22:1-19 is pregnant with ‘triplets’:1. A staggering, mega-command from God! Does ole’ Abe believe & obey God? 2. Incredible instruction regarding the relationship between “faith & works”. 3. Profound connection with the gospel of Jesus Christ!

The Prodigal Sons

Barron Tenney


Description:“Sin is not just breaking the rules, it is putting yourself in the place of God as Savior, Lord, and Judge… There are two ways to be your own Savior and Lord. One is by breaking all the moral laws and setting your own course, and one is by keeping all the moral laws and being very, very good.”~ Tim Keller, The Prodigal GodFor the younger son, the “prodigal” shoe fits perfectly! The older son is a sour-puss killjoy! Both have problems. Perhaps you see yourself as the younger “sinner”, with his over the top life of sin. Maybe you see yourself as the joyless older son, who thinks his stuff doesn’t stink. Here we really learn of the “Prodigal God, who says that deep sin doesn’t bar you from God’s love, and supposed rightness doesn’t commend you to Him either. Both are desperate for a Savior who will deal with them in grace!

Flesh vs. Spirit: The Need for New Birth

Danny Ovalle


Description:Today in our worship service we looked at Genesis 16-21, about the two sons born to Abraham…Ishmael, the first, born of the ordinary way with a man-centered “we can do” mentality, which always breeds trouble (“with a capital T…”) …and then Isaac, the son born of the miraculous God-centered “I will” promise of God, which always bring great freedom & joy! Isaac is the son through whom Jesus will eventually come! So, the first birth is of man’s flesh…the second birth is of God’s promise! See how this ties into Jesus’ teaching in John 3 that you must be “born again” of the promise of God in the gospel in order to see and enter the Kingdom of God! “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit”. Have you been born again, through the death & resurrection of Jesus? Are you aware of the majestic Presence of God in your life? Is Jesus the treasure of your soul?

The Lord Is Mighty To Save

Pastor Moe Bergeron


Description:Pastor Moe visited us and brought a timely word from Zephaniah, on the extravagant love of God, in Jesus, to show us that He alone is "Mighty To Save".

What Is Grace?

Danny Ovalle


Description:Justice is: Getting WHAT you deserve.Mercy is: NOT getting what you deserve.Grace is: Getting BETTER than you deserve!Listen in and discover the riches of God's grace...through the death & resurrection of Jesus! REAL, GOOD NEWS!

What Is Your Greatest Need?

Danny Ovalle


Description:"You can't say anything is crooked unless there is a straightedge somewhere." -Tim KellerThis morning I’d like to ask you one simple question. And I’d like us to take a moment or two to think seriously about this one question:What is Your Greatest Need? My Greatest need is______________!What is your greatest need, right now? Overall, in life? Think about it…surely we have a lot of “needs” but is there a greatest need?What’s Your Greatest need?Did you say..."righteousness"?

"I Believe In God" - What Does That Really Mean?

Danny Ovalle


Description:Wherever there is FAITH...there is God’s PROMISE/ACTION that always goes before it! God's Promise Creates faith. Secures Faith! So that at the end of the day...God Alone get the glory for the great things He has done!

Abram: The Father of God’s Called - Out People

Danny Ovalle


Description:Today’s passage marks Scene II (bulletin cover) and carries us into the good, bad & ugly of the lives of the God’s chosen people, the seed of the Nation of Israel. I will only introduce Abram, and we will look more closely at his life over the next 2 weeks, as we explore more of the over-arching theme of the Bible: CREATION - FALL - REDEMPTION.

Noah: God's Man for a Mighty Rescue

Danny Ovalle


Description:We are on our way from Genesis to Jesus. Stops along the way include:Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David & Isaiah (history & storyline of the OT)...then on to several snapshots of Jesus from the Gospels.In today's message we discover that the rescue of God from the global, historic flood prefigures the rescue of God in Jesus from God's righteous wrath! Let's wake up and smell the aroma of the just judgment of God upon sin and that only through the good news of Jesus' death & resurrection, can true and ultimate rescue come. In judgment, God is merciful!

It's All About Jesus

Danny Ovalle


Description:The story of God“If you read the Bible from cover to cover you realize that it narrates (proclaims!) a true and cohesive story: the good news that through Jesus Christ, God has entered history to liberate and renew the world from its bondage to sin and suffering.This is the story of God, who pursues the restoration of his creation at the cost of his own life. He is making all things new (Rev 21:5)! That’s the simple and yet profound, life– and world-altering plotline of the Bible.”— Michael R. EmletIn this message, we explore Luke 24:13-35, as Jesus unfolds from all the scriptures that which is ultimately about Himself....and when we see that the unfolding storyline of the Bible is centered on Jesus Christ, everything in our life changes.

Something About the Word "NEW"

Danny Ovalle


Description:The gifts were exchanged, anticipation was satisfied, every longing child’s look at the next gift was….is this it!It's 1940, in the northern Indiana town of Hohman. 9-year-old Ralph "Ralphie" Parker wants only one thing for Christmas -- an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model BB rifle with a compass in the stock.Even lil Ralphy was stunned when his dad sent him to discover the last present hiding behind the desk, in the corner…could it be?Everyone, including you, likes the word “new”…. (Most of the time: older folks don’t seem to like “new-fandangled technology”)Well, here we are in a brand new day…New Years Day…January 1!!!!!Discovering together the richness of the NEW-NESS we find in Jesus Christ!