The Gospel Hope

Danny Ovalle


Description:In this audio message, we explore true, real, sistaining gospel HOPE on this first Sunday of Advent.

Giving Thanks with Heart & Voice

Danny Ovalle


Description:God abundantly gives to us material and spiritual blessings galore! Do we meet the magnitude of Divine provision with appropriate thanks and praise, from the depths of the heart and voice? Come explore true and rich thanksgiving!

The Gospel Cause & Effect

Danny Ovalle


Description:For every cause there is an equal and opposite effect. So says Mr. Newton in his 3 rd Law of Motion.God's Gospel, in the death & resurrection of His Son (cause) produces a greater, deeper & longerlasting effect! Read Acts 26 and join in this message by Pastor Danny...

Members in Heaven & on Earth

Priscilla, Danny, Mark, Ellen, Martha


Description:By the grace of God, we welcomed new members into our fellowship. In His providence, He has brought new people to worship and serve the Lord along with us.

The Impact of The Blood-Bought Gospel

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Acts 20:17-38 we explore the comprehensive and powerful impact that the gospel of grace makes uopn the Apostle Paul, the pastors he is speaking with, their congregations and those who will yet come to faith through them all! Come learn...and be impacted for godly change through Jesus!

The Family-Building Gospel

Danny Ovalle


Description:The bookends of Acts 18 surrounding the lives and ministries of Aquila & Priscilla help us to rediscover that it is crucial for us to both RECIEVE the grace of God into our own soul...and to GIVE the grace of God to others!God is building His church, and we are blessed to participate in being disciple-making disciples, who will in turn do likewise!

The Supreme Gospel

Danny Ovalle


Description:Paul speaks to the matter of 'idolarty' that he encounters in Athens. Some things never change, as we look at the Supreme Gospel of the One, True God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent!“In simple terms, idolatry is worshipping something that is meant to be used, or using something that is meant to be worshipped” – Augustine

The Unstoppable Gospel

Danny Ovalle


Description:Acts 16 begins the 2nd missionary journey of Paul and his friends. The UNSTOPPABLEgospel comes to a woman with a closed heart, a slave girl who has a foul spirit, tho she says all the right words, and a jailer who never expects what's about to happen to him... Come and hear about this unstoppable love of Jesus!

Relationships Ruined, Relationships Restored.

Danny Ovalle


Description:The background for this message is found in Acts 15:36-41(36) Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing." (37) Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, (38) but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. (39) They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, (40) but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the brothers to the grace of the Lord. (41) He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches.THE remedy to broken relationships is to know Jesus experienced this firsthand, and in the cross is the fixing of all relationships, vertical, between God & man, and vertical, between man & man.God, the Father severed (ruined, as it were) His relationship with His Son, in order to restore our relationship with Him. OUR RESTORATION TO GOD, CAME AT THE PRICE OF HIS OWN DEAR SON, who cried out, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?!

Grace: The Christian's Past, Present & Future Hope

Danny Ovalle


Description:“In many religious circles, there exists an unwritten rule: pretend. I’m unfixed, and the truth is that’s where God meets me – in the mess of my life, in the unfixedness, in the brokenness” – Mike YaconelliEven the Apostle Paul, not you, nor I, ever, ever, ever outgrow our need for the gospel.We are continual broken people, rebel sinners, who are in continual need to be reminded that grace has come to us…in the past…and today…and forever.The longer we are Christians, the more we become aware of our sin than ever before. It is always been there…we just aren’t aware of it. Particular circumstances & timing bring it out.Come be honest with us, and learn how the gospel of Jesus impacts the past, present & future of your life & faith!

The Explosive Beauty of Grace

Danny Ovalle


Description:“Because the gospel is endlessly rich, it can handle the burden of being the one ‘main thing’ of a church.”- Tim Keller

You Must Be Saved...But How?

Danny Ovalle


Description:“Pulpits today are full of preachers telling one-legged people to jump higher and run faster. Musician Rich Mullins once wrote, “I have attended church regularly since I was less than a week old. I’ve listened to sermons about virtue, sermons against vice. I have heard about money, time management, tithing, abstinence, and generosity. I’ve listened to thousands of sermons. But I could count on one hand the number [of sermons] that were a simple proclamation of the Gospel of Christ." - Tullian Tchividjian

How To Go Deeper In Your Faith

Danny Ovalle


Description:This is a re-cap of the sermon given on 7/27/14 on Acts 10:36-43, as we consider going deeper in our faith.I appreciate Tim Keller's thoughts on the subject:"We never “get beyond the gospel” in our Christian life to something more “advanced.” The gospel is not the first “step” in a “stairway” of truths, rather, it is more like the “hub” in a “wheel” of truth. The gospel is not just the A-B-C’s of Christianity, but it is the A to Z of Christianity. The gospel is not just the minimum required doctrine necessary to enter the kingdom, but the way we all make progress in the kingdom. We are not justified by the gospel and then sanctified by obedience but the gospel is the we grow (Gal. 3:1-3) and are renewed (Col 1:6). It is the solution to each problem, the key to each closed door, the power through every barrier (Rom 1:16-17)."

Getting God's Word Right

David Monson


Description:David Monson brought us a teaching that we are desperate for God's Word, rightly understood, so that we are free from our own idolatrous thoughts, especially as the gospel gathers people from every nation.

Christian Salvation & Christian Calling

Danny Ovalle


Description:Today we explore that:1. We are saved by God's graciousness ALONE, in Christ ALONE!2. We are saved by God for a PURPOSE!The order can NEVER be inverted...or separated!

When God Saves "Good" People

Danny Ovalle


Description:Today, we look at Acts 9 (Part 2), and Saul's amazing conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. We come to learn, along with the lives of Job, Isaiah & Peter...that the good are not so good, and the holy are not so holy...when God steps in the scene to provide some scale.The good news of the gospel is that the bad are not too bad to be forgiven...and the good are not good enough and so need forgiveness! The playing field of need is leveled, and Jesus is the sinners only hope!

Power of Conversion = Change!

Danny Ovalle


Description:"I once was lost, but now am found, was blind and now I see" is the thrust of one of the high points of the Book of Acts, even the New Testament! Acts chapter 9 is the conversion of Saul, who becomes Paul!This is conversion, which = change. Change from worse to better, death to life. This is the NEW BIRTH in action.The question is: Is this a one-time, unique occurrence that is exclusively Saul's story, or is there by principle here, God's way of saving all those who come to Christ?Let's read, listen and learn...

Power to Spread Joy in Jesus

Danny Ovalle


Description:Acts 8 tells us of the expanding gospel influence that is going out now to Judea and Samaria, just as Jesus said back in 1:8. We see here the essence of Christianity: God's grace (His unconditional acceptance given to undeserving people by an unobligated Giver) is extended to:1. The DESPERATE2. The DECEIVERS3. The DRAWNThis is how one becomes a Christian!

Power to Know, Live & Tell Grace

Danny Ovalle


Description:Acts 6:8-7:60The grace of God in Jesus is in Stephen's DNA.He is one who KNOWS grace for Himself.He is one who LIVES and SHOWS the grace of God to others.He is one who TELLS of the true story of God's grace in Jesus.He is one who EXTENDS grace to this who are about to kill him!STUNNING!

Power to Discern the Essence of Christianity

Danny Ovalle


Description:If you were asked “What is Christianity?” how would you answer that question?Or if someone asked you what religion you are (like in the hospital) what would you say? And if they followed that up with “what is a Christian?” how would you respond?Big questions. Has anyone ever asked you that?Some, I suppose would say: "Christianity is following the Golden Rule."Another might generically say: “someone who tries to follow God and love his neighbor”.Yet another might say: “good question…I never thought about how to answer that.”Still one more brave soul might respond: “I really don’t know, or care”.But I propose, this (to know what Christianity really is) is THE greatest thing in your life to care about, and know, and know deeply from the heart, as revealed in the Bible, for this is a sobering matter of truth …and life. And I believe Acts 6:1-7, helps us to see What Christianity really is, and to discern its essence…core…heart & soul.

Power to Walk in the Whole Counsel of God

Danny Ovalle


Description:Acts 5:12-42This morning, we have before us two sides of a coin. Both are necessary for a Super bowl game coin toss. You can’t have one side, without the other.Both are necessary for a healthy spiritual life.While we, in our culture, like the kindness and blessing side of faith, as we saw last week, we are not happy at all about the more difficult elements of our walk with Jesus. (The deaths of Ananias &Sapphira – hard lesson)This passage before us tells us of massive, pervasive BLESSING of God through signs, wonders, healings and miracles…that make many people happy.This passage also tells us of the often forgotten elements (and blessing) of Christian SUFFERING because of persecution.Sometimes faith in Jesus Christ will get you INTO trouble, as well as OUT OF trouble. Let’s see the two sides of the same coin of Christian life:12-16 Joy in Blessing: Massive, pervasive blessing and kindness from God to the people!17-42 Joy in Suffering: There is more intense persecution and suffering upon Jesus’ disciples.

Power to be Radically Generous, Like God

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Acts 4:32-5:11, we examine the powerful work of the Holy Spirit, freeing people to be radically generous – Like God is, so that they take hold of life “that is truly life”. God is serious about bringing (and keeping) His people in the place of MAXIMUM blessing, so they reflect His radical generosity, so that many will give thanks to God, and love Him passionately for His kindness and grace!The UNSTOPPABLE gospel of God’s grace in Jesus is unleashed upon this world in the Book of Acts, as we are seeing! God’s kindness to train wrecks is capturing heart galore!"You are worse than you think you are, but also far more loved than you feel, or could ever imagine." Tim Keller

Holding All Things In Common

David Monson


Description:Grounded in Acts 4:32-37 and Mark 10:29-31, David Monson shares his amazing testimony of God at work in his life, showing him, and all of us, that we really do hold all things in common with one another.

What Does Easter Mean?

Danny Ovalle


Description:Many voices speak to a particular subject. Be they the knowledgeable, insightful, visionary voices of Belichick, Farrell, Julien or .... Uh, Heinsohn ... Or the Steve Jobs's or the Martin Scorsese's or the Emeril Lagasse's of the world….or kids, Disney & Pixar Movies (Frozen). We want to hear from the proven experts, the 'sharpest tools in the shed', the 'know it all'! We will not trust our heart surgery to a high school carpentry teacher, now will we? Do you get your car fixed by a dentist?We want THE Authority on a particular subject, in hopes of the BEST possible outcome, don't we? It's a no-brainer...So, Let’s hear from Him on this matter of 'Easter', and find real answers for life and eternity...How would you answer this question: What is Easter?And as you would expect, we would give many different shades of answers.What is Easter?I’d like to answer this question from 4 different perspectives:1. American Commerce2. Popular Culture3. Nominal Religious Tradition4. GOD, AlmightyWhat difference should your view make in your life?What difference does God’s view make in your life?

It Is Finished...Before It Is Finished!

Danny Ovalle


Description:We follow Jesus as He enters the last week of His life, and we discover that the plan of God is sure, certain & fixed, as He comes to save His people. So sure and certain is His cross-atoning-work of the IT IS FINISHED, that Jesus even says it is finished...get this...before it is finished.Jesus prayed this: "I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do." (Jn 17:4). As He sees it, He has finished the work, even before He goes to the cross.We can rest that our lives in the Lord's hands, so much so, that His love and help are certain, of a truth!I love how Jared Wilson highlights the best three words in the scriptures: It is Finished"The utter uniqueness of the Christian message — the heart of the gospel — is found in the three words of Christ from the cross, ‘It is finished’ (John 19:30). The message of every other religious system, without exception, is predicated on some variation of another three words, which stand starkly opposed to the gospel’s three words. Religion’s three words are: ‘Get to work.’ And this is the heart of the bad news behind every approach to spirituality, enlightenment, or salvation that is not Christian." — Jared C. Wilson. Gospel Wakefulness (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2011), 131

Power to Believe in Sovereign Grace: The Christians' Salvation

Danny Ovalle


Description:Isaiah 43:1-7 tells us of the Sovereign Grace of God, our Savior. He does the saving. He is active. Those who believe, are the save-ees. We are the ones saved, by Him and not of ourselves.As Martyn Lloyd-Jones proclaims: "Salvation is not in any sense God’s response to anything in us.It is not something that we in any sense deserve or merit. The whole essence of the teaching at this point and everywhere in all the New Testament is that we have no sort or kind of right whatsoever to salvation, that the whole glory of salvation is that though we deserved nothing but punishment and hell and banishment out of the sight of God to all eternity, yet God, of His own love and grace and wondrous mercy, has granted us this salvation. Now that is the entire meaning of this termgrace. . . we are Christians entirely and solely as the result of the grace of God. Let us remind ourselves once more that ‘grace’ means unmerited, undeserved favour. It is an action which arises entirely from the gracious character of God. So the fundamental proposition is that salvation is something that comes to us entirely from God’s side. What is still more important is this, that it not only comes from God’s side, it comes to us in spite of ourselves—‘unmerited’ favour. In other words, it is not God’s response to anything in us. Now there are many people who seem to think that it is—that salvation is God’s response to something in us. But the word ‘grace’ excludes that. It is in spite of us."

Power to Flee To, Rest In & Speak For the Sovereign Lord

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Acts 4:23-31 we read of a heavyweight championship match. A clash of the Titans. An Aliens vs Predators. A Harry vs Voldemort. A Battle Royale - A Bruno Samartino vs Professor Toru Tanaka. And if it could ever happen, A Yankees vs Red Sox World Series game 7!This is game time to see who comes out on top, who is in control, and who is the Sovereign Lord, as the followers of Jesus come together to praise and request help from the Sovereign Lord for continuing boldness to Withness for Jesus. The religious empire commands and threatens them to silence. God has called them to speak of what they have seen and heard of the risen Christ. Who is the 'sovereign' Lord here? Come and join us...Darren is our Scripture Reader.

Power to Endure & Overcome Persecution

Danny Ovalle


Description:Today we are introduced to one of the more difficult aspects of the Christian Faith: persecution.Jesus experienced it, and He promised His followers are sure to. It is real. It is difficult. And we need all the counsel, wisdom and protection of the Lord to endure and overcome persecution, for the glory of God, our good and the furthering of the gospel.Jesus said: in the world you will have trouble. But take heart: I have overcome the world!Come join us and find help for your soul in this matter.Abbey is our scripture reader.

Power to be Healed

Danny Ovalle


Description:Acts 3 contains the account of 5 people who carry the 'lame' gene in them, as it were. You can read the chapter and soon discover the obvious one...the other 4 are more subtle. Do you see them?Yes, lame. Every one of us, in one way or another. But there is hope and healing for our 'lameness'! Big hope! God sent His Son, Jesus, who was 'whole', to become 'lame' for us, that we might become 'whole' in Him, as our sins are blotted out by faith in Jesus!Please read Acts 3 then follow along in our year-long survey of "God -the Holy Spirit, Our Power - in the Book of Acts.Priscilla Monson is our scripture reader.

Power to be Immersed

Danny Ovalle


Description:In Acts Chapter 2: verses 42-47, we learn that because of the power of the gospel, we are immersed, saturated & soaked in deep devotion to God and radical Christian community and generous love.A special segment of our worship service is the generous donation from Keith Yianacopolus of Cummings Properties to Bill LaPierre of the Sacred Hearts Food Pantry. (begins at the 31:20 mark)

Power to be Forgiven

Danny Ovalle


Description:From Acts 2:14-41...we see God unearth the sin of this crowd, who weeks before shouted "Crucify Him, Crucify Him" ...and now God forgives them and spares them from the wrath to come? INCREDIBLE GRACE!!!

When The Ordinary & The Xtra Ordinary Collide

Danny Ovalle


Description:God meets man, invades the ordinary world of mortals with the extra-ordinary power of the Spirit, so that the Apostes will make much in their witness of Jesus!

Power to Participate in The Unfolding Plan of Redemption

Danny Ovalle


Description:Acts 1:8-26 tells us that because of the death & resurrection of Jesus, we are brought into radical participation in the new creation that Jesus has created.We can now participate in the glorious kingdom by way of communion with God (prayer) and communication for God (witness of the Apostolic message.

God the Holy Spirit - Our POWER in the Book of Acts

Danny Ovalle


Description:This Morning begins our introduction to the Book of Acts - or - Acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles. In this message we discover that there is POWER for us to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, who is THE Treasure of our hearts!All world religions tell you the right way to live...but do they supply the power to walk in their way?One of the unique elements of the Christian Faith is that God not only gives us the understanding of the right way to live, but then He also provides the believer with the power of God - the Holy Spirit, who raises us from the dead, renews our hearts and empowers us to walk in His way! This is simply...AMAZING! Listen in...

Being Made One - Vertically with God & Horizontally with One Another

Danny Ovalle


Description:Membership Sunday, when we welcomed 10 new members to the FCC family

Calling All Theophili to Membership

Danny Ovalle


Description:Sunday, January 5, 2014Acts 1:1O' Theophilus...