team leaders & Pastor

we all matter, but none of us is the point. Jesus is!

we are all 'ministers' of God's grace...

He calls, equips and impacts us through one another...

ministry team leaders

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. 

Romans 12:4-8

2024 Slate of Officers and Committee: team members

contact for our team leaders: (978) 374-1114   |   email

2024 Annual Report (For financials, contact the office)  


Articles of Faith

Membership Application

  • peter mills


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  • Susan Bergeron


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  • Mark Soucy

    Senior deacon

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  • marc johnson


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  • scott higgins


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  • Deb Potter

    Music worship leader

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  • joyce Hooper  


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  • Jeannie Tenney  


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  • barron tenney


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  • Joyce LaRosa


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danny ovalle - Pastor

danny, our 24th Pastor of FCC, was called on 2.13.2011. he is a graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College in Southern California. born in New York City, raised in the Projects of Chelsea, MA and converted at a Billy Graham Crusade (while sitting in his seat), Danny has been involved in pastoral ministry and church planting over the past 30 years. he resides in Bradford, MA with his wife Cyndie and 2 daughters, Samantha and Emma. 

The God-given passion of his life is to connect God's inexhaustible grace to an exhausted world through the finished work of Jesus Christ! (Tetelestai! It. Is. Finished!)

have a look at Pastor Danny's Ministry Portfolio.

some of his favorites: his bride and two princesses, the Holy Bible, the beach, Red Sox Nation, Minnesota Vikings, bold coffee, Martin Luther's Commentary on Galatians (Declaration), George Whitefield's Journals, and John Calvin's Definition of FAITH (Definition at end in red), Lutheran View of Sanctification and Law & Gospel and John Piper's Biographies.

here is Danny's conversion story: One Rainy Sunday and a bit more detail in this 2015 HCTV interview. Access the 2024 A.D.N.E workshop booklet "Living the 'It Is Finished' Life in a 'Just Do It' World".

Check out his blogs: Project 66 and A Crumb From the Master's Table and you can follow him on Twitter: @dao978 and Instagram: @dao978

how to reach Danny e: t: (978) 656-1114 (please know that Pastor Danny is bi-vocational, so please be patient with his return call.)