mission: our 4 reaches

here's the way we operate in our ministry: 

simple. clean. clear...in 4 directions.


DOWN-reach: this direction is ONE WAY. God reaching down to us through Jesus Christ, by His finished work, in His life, death & resurrection. this is the engine that drives all the other reaches, and it's always first & foremost. we declare and demonstrate the liberating power of the gospel through God's two words of Law & Gospel. here, we discover His inexhaustible grace for an exhausted world. in His grip we find all the love, acceptance, forgiveness, meaning, purpose & value that we crave. lose this reach and you lose Jesus and all His benefits!

Details about the DOWN-reach HERE.

UP-reach: our immediate, knee-jerk response to God's grace that has reached us. this is expressed through prayer, praise, thanksgiving, confession, repentance, lament, and all the other emotions that capture the essence of a real relationship with God

Details about the Up-reach HERE.

IN-reach: a horizontal impacting of one another's lives in the body of Christ, through love, care and discipleship. sometimes real messy, yet always hopeful in Jesus, we roll up our sleeves & hit our knees as we do the many 'one-another's' with each other. our walk with God is a community project!

Details about the In-reach HERE. FCC Children's Ministry is in development in 2025

OUT-reach: we just can't keep all this love to ourselves, so we've got to share it with the community, region & world around us, as we declare and demonstrate the liberating power of the gospel of Jesus Christ with thoughtful, prayerful, heart-wrenching compassion!

Details about the OUT-reach HERE.

HERE is the full brochure